An Introduction

I finally am starting a new-ish online presence. Admittedly, this is a "practice-post" where I am adamentally trying to see if the clashing of these two themes worked out ok. Particularly I am worried about the javascript, but that is for me to deal with another time.

So, what is the point of all of this?

It is a place to try new things. Particularly to deal with my generationally demanding characteristic to yell at something. I have always loved the creativity that html provides, and even love the idea of being a vary proud speck in the interwebs. I was, however, trapped by the need to be *aesthetic* with a failed attempt to use the html editor in tumblr (and my general dislike for it) but the platform never clicked with me. This would be washed and repeated on other social media sites. So I am starting here.

What are my plans?

To post what I like. I experienced descison paralysis when deciding between ONE blog or MULTIPLE blogs. I've decided, especially with how my brain works, to do just ONE blog, and tags can be used (which can be found in the catalogue) that can help people find particular topics/interests. No need to bore you unnessisarily, but also to help myself. It may change later in the future, we will find out. I am not too ambitious to post for no good reason. The goal to have my own personal blog and website was originally set early in 2024. Due to starting grad-school it was post-poned and is going to be sent-out needing some TLC. Everytime I think of writing on a topic I stop because the basic html isn't all that I want! How dumb! I will just embrace the "under-construction" look and update what get's changed or whatever new thing I learn on the home-page.

How did I cobble this together?

I actually had an original plan to make a very complicated/interactive menu using an IMAGE MAP (not a smart idea, honestly), but I am not giving up on that idea, but again, I need to...JUST...WRITE. So, I used three different resources:

  •'s css for a streamlined css styling.
  • Zonlets is a blog format that uses some javascript and amazing preset's for the ease of adapabiulity, but I really just wanted the blog feature, but I really wanted tags.
  • Zone(lots) was my answer to that plea for tags! Issue with zonelots v.s. zonelets, is that zonelots won't receieve updates...The original creator of zonelets is generally really interested in maintaining the functionality for weary beginners.
  • original website design using collaging of paper and stickers that used an image map to make these trinkets interactive
    A Gif of what the website was originally supposed to look like before my lack of skill was evident

These three different elements helped make my little website. I was a little sad that I hadn't "figured out" the bulk of the html on my own, but I decided that adding my own personal touches is good enough for now. I made the background in Krita (the best open-source digital painting program EVER) and it had a nifty tiled-print setting. I liked's sort of fryed and pixeled aesthetic and lifted that with a style I doodled with throughout high-school. Click through the gallery to see some examples!

The Breakroom is Right This Way ↓

Looks like Ruffus likes you, just pet him while he leads the way...

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